African American Pinkster Committee of New York
The mission of the African American Pinkster Committee of New York is to reclaim the history and culture of Africa America through the observance and celebration of the holiday of Pinkster by providing educational and cultural knowledge using festivals, seminars, and workshops to the community. We are dedicated to the dissemination of public history as a tool to inform and empower citizens towards social change.
1. To provide cultural and historical information to increase understanding and reinforce pride in the heritage and culture of African people in the Diaspora through workshops, celebrations, and related activities.
2. To disseminate information to youth and other people in our communities about the heritage and the Diaspora Traditions for all families to learn about their roots and ancestry, through lectures and meetings,
3. To provide services to assist families and their members to complete paperwork or attend appointments, and other day-to-day needs that we can help with, in order to grow and preserve our close communities, helping each other, through conferences, workshops, reunions, films and other activities.
Our aim is to instill pride and self-confidence in Africans here and in the Diaspora by increasing awareness of our philosophical and cultural connections and the African America/African contribution to world/American civilization and life.
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